Dear Sir, madam,
I speak on behalf of the Wolle Corporation (represented by Wolle123, Wolle489 and Bob_), who chose me as a spokesperson (//due to language difficulties).
Due to the fact that Bretonia and Rheinland need stronger economic ties in these dark times when gallic invasion can commence any day, and the fact that Paddys mining Club might be facing the buisiness end of a military issue Particle Gun any day, our subgroup of BMM wants to settle in the Dublin sector 2E. If the Miners pub should be pardoned, we will of course position ourselves at the usual distance of at least 10k.
We want to start with a single docking base, for miners and transports alike under the guidance of BMM. Every Bretonian mining corporation as well as any friendly or neutral semi-official mining operation may be granted docking rights.
If anything goes well we might even be expanding the base to offer more services to the Bretonian public.
We would gladly pay the usual fees (please provide contact details) and hope hearing from you -