I don't think you need our permission to do any of those things. I look forward to you guys competing with Ageira, I also look forward to the whole Corporate Espionage idea (I biased since I'm in an intel faction but still). It would be cool if you guys sent your undercover spies/Gallic Freelancers to find out where Ageira's and other competing corps POB's are, and then finance pirate/terror groups to take these POB's down in exchange for a hefty payment. In a way, you could even act as an extension of the arm of Gallic Intelligence (WHO FOR WHATEVER REASON STILL DON'T HAVE THEIR OWN DAMN ID) and help them unofficially establish relations with pro-Gallia groups (or turn pirates/terrorists INTO pro-Gallia groups by supporting them) until an actual Gallic Intelligence ID and faction is established (if there ever will be one).