==================== Type: Ship Stats Bug: LABC infocard says it has 450K hull ====================
But, since nanobots have been removed and integrated into BC hulls, its hull rating is closer to a million. Some other BCs are probably affected, too. The number of turrets stated by the infocard is also wrong.
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: The new Marduk can buy the old Marduk's shield ====================
The new Marduk is a medium BS. The old Marduk shield, Nomad Superior Veil, is a heavy BS shield. Medium BSs, as far as I have understood, shouldn't be able to buy heavy BS shields. I tried this in SP though, don't have a Marduk on the server. I don't know if there is a plugin that prevents this.
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: The Nomad BS Neutralizer Turret doesn't do 60K shield damage per shot. ====================