To: Ekhard Alarik From: Arbeiter Lukas Mohr, der Alster Union. Subject: Actually scored right up there on the situational aptitude test! Damn, Daddy.
Comprehensive. I haven't seen a man so detailed about his dignity since Adam first sliced a lemon over an acid burn.
We all lost people during the Nomad War. It doesn't make it any easier to know that your old man walked out amongst the millions when it was his time to take the bow. I've never had to run. Just hide. I was born into this life, yea' - but you? You had a passport and everythin' and the dogs still nipped at your ass no different than if you were a stranger to them, to what they are.
For the people, pilot. It's down upon those of us who have lost to save those who know not what it feels like to lose, at the expense of those who delight in taking.
Ekhard Alarik has been accepted into the Reichsarbeitergesellshaft at Arbeiter rank.