Nice try to return fire after I've debunked what seems like another episode of Skynet going against something he doesn't like. Also, nice nitpicking with the logs, why don't you show the whole story? I thought about bringing it up in feedback earlier but decided not to.
[01.11.2017 18:04:22] BDM|U-201: // Give me more time to respond next time, will ya?
[01.11.2017 18:04:39] DWR|WKB-Midgard: // Oh Skynet, please
[01.11.2017 18:04:51] BDM|U-201: // Oh shelco pls.
[01.11.2017 18:05:17] BDM|U-201: // Don't turn your faction into another lolwut hessian faction. We had enough of these.
[01.11.2017 18:05:25] DWR|WKB-Midgard: // Oh shut up already
[01.11.2017 18:05:30] DWR|WKB-Midgard: // Stupid bias
[01.11.2017 18:05:35] DWR|WKB-Midgard: // Can't hear it anymore
[01.11.2017 18:05:41] BDM|U-201: // It wasn't meant badly.
[01.11.2017 18:05:55] DWR|WKB-Midgard: // I don't care, DWR has a higher quality in literally anything than you
[01.11.2017 18:06:10] BDM|U-201: // Did Wesker tell you this crap?
[01.11.2017 18:06:23] DWR|WKB-Midgard: // No, I am capable to judge my faction myself
This bias against anyhting that is/was in any way ever related to Wesker has to stop, it was a problem when I was in BDM and it sadly is still. That actually pissed me off quite a lot, that's why I had the little rant there. I hope that this ooRP hate-motivated fights stop soon because it starts to annoy not only me but my members as well.