please keep your comments within a feedback thread constructive and informative - by that I mean useful, relevant information.
Disputes and problems with and between you and the 5th| and it's members neither count as useful, nor as relevant.
Nor do insults, harrassment, acusations and threats. If anything,destructive criticism only results in the exact opposite of being taken serious, in account or to cause the exact opposite of what feedback is there fore: improvment.
If you're angry, upset, irritated, or got the feeling you need to become a jester, making fun of a faction, in this case, the 5th|, take a deep breath, speak to your friends in Skype or reality, but don't let it out here, especially on a Feedback thread.
Also, quoting Exodite Asmodai: "It's all good, Susi. It's all good. If you would like to continue in this vein, away from everyone else, my PM box is open and my Skype is readily viewable on my member page.
Also, please respond to my love letters, if you're going to jump in here."
"Though I unironically love the in-RP THP hate I'm getting from 5th personnel. It warms my cold heart to see such vitriol leveled over mere accusations."
These are perfect examples for information that is neither useful, nor relevant.