The more I think about it, the less I like this idea.
You can give everyone new player a fully equipped HF/VHF/SHF/GB/CR/BS/whatever with best AU, best thruster and code weapons.
But it will not change much, except taking the fun of equipping the ship from them. They will still be noobs who know nothing about game mechanics, tips and tricks.
They will get annihilated and keep getting annihilated until they learn, abandon PvP or abandon the game altogether.
Like many said, 15M for AU8 is not much, when you know how to get credits and once you get the ships required to do so. I use AU8 on all my ships that I take seriously by default, because it is a cheap way of increasing the survivability of the ship. But that is because getting that kind of money takes me just 10-15 minutes. New player is imho far better of when being shown and helped to getting a way of making credits, rather than being given stuff.
What I think would help:
- Propagate FLStat FLCompanion and NavMap more, in-game as well as on the forum. Link to these in "Player utilities" would be a good start.
- More, much more in-game information. There have been many great things suggested in this regard, be it informative items, missions, infocards, ..
- Increase the number on NPCs, PvE is a good way of figuring out the basics, such as that armor matters and so on...
- Create missions designed to teach players stuff. Missions that can be picked up repeatedly, so you will face the same enemy and have a chance to figure out what you did wrong. Maybe with text such as: Without AUx you are not likely survive this mission.