To review this year, First it started grim for me disco-wise, CR| was in the hands of corrupt, deceiving and unjust. We as players had to set it right, so we were split and gathered under =ARC= to make our belowed Crayter great again. When the year started we were in the middle of an oorp fueled battle least to say. Each pf us defending our causes gathered under CR| and =ARC=. About what was right and what was wrong and how the faction should go. Before that, CR| was a place where poeple had fun, bonded together for a greater cause. Fast forwarding one or two months, with hard work, decidation and some good ol' elbow grease, things been set right.
Old and new players joined alike and formed =CR= afterwards, when tensions dropped down again and a consensus was reached among both factions leaders. After some time, some people left, and =CR= had to be reformed, i was chosen as =CR= s new leader at that time to carry us ever onwards. Thankfully to that time our journey became better, funnier and more glorious. Filled with victories, defeats, some of us flying their ships right into the enemy to save their comrades and sometimes, tears. Despite its start, its ending as a great year for me and =CR=. My christmas wish is enough Money for a CAU8, in my almost 4 years of playing i never had a single CAU8 of my own.
I want to thank to:
=CR= members
CR indies
For joining our funsies and sharing the enjoyable moments with us
MRG| for joining fights and keeping them fair
GRN indies for Leeds shenanigans
Unnamed OC indies for making Alpha raids a possibility
Random pirates and smugglers for interactions
IMG| for convoys and RP
Liberty, Bretonia and Council for RPs and ingame asissts in various fights