While on a trip back from the far Omega's, I encountered an agent of the Bretonian Secret Intelligence Service in Languedoc, of all places. Quite bold of him, oui? Nevertheless, the local Maquis seemed happy to leave him alone, and keep the royalists busy too, so we could chat undisturbed, which was further helped by our little wander around Sete, to through off any Royal patrols. He claimed that they had called us up earlier, around our... skills at acquiring and distributing certain valued items. While he made no mention of the exact items, he said to expect a message soon, along an older channel, so I thought it best to pass on word so that some of us could... refresh our memories as to what exactly was exchanged previously, as I was not involved in the previous contact.
Also of some note, one of our pilots was distressed near the Orleanais jumphole in Ile-de-France, and a kind Professeur Regis picked them and is tending to them till we can arrange to meet them.
[16.01.2018 09:20:43] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Ah, bonjour! [16.01.2018 09:20:54] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Good day [16.01.2018 09:20:56] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: *sighs* And there goes the lane again... [16.01.2018 09:21:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And who are you? [16.01.2018 09:22:25] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: I am Lothair Dupont, of the Unione Corse, and yourself, monsiuer? [16.01.2018 09:23:10] [SIS]-James.Skirka: James Skirka, of Her majesties SIS. Forgive me for asking but I note in your hold you have Blue Jillies, I thought they were [16.01.2018 09:23:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: restricted by the Rheinland government [16.01.2018 09:23:32] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Am I mistaken? [16.01.2018 09:23:44] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Are they? But they are so colorful! I can't see why they would restrict such beauty...? [16.01.2018 09:24:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Maybe that's why they are restricted. [16.01.2018 09:24:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: How did you come across them? [16.01.2018 09:24:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: If I can ask [16.01.2018 09:25:01] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Sounds silly to me, monsieur. [16.01.2018 09:25:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Indeed. [16.01.2018 09:25:31] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Why, I bought them off a kind fellow on... Suttgart? I beleive it was called [16.01.2018 09:26:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Soo, why bring them here? [16.01.2018 09:26:38] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Oh, I just keep a bunch of them by my flight controls [16.01.2018 09:27:05] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Reminds of the beauty that exists out there in our world, just waiting to be found... [16.01.2018 09:27:32] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So you travel quite often? [16.01.2018 09:27:52] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Oui oui, I make trips through and out of Gallia whenever I have the time [16.01.2018 09:28:06] [SIS]-James.Skirka: On business? [16.01.2018 09:28:31] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Oh, I try and always have /something/ of value in my hold, but its as much sightseeing as business *chuckles* [16.01.2018 09:29:08] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: To think... a decade ago, I couldn't have even imagined the sights of Sirius! [16.01.2018 09:29:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So tell me about your organisation. [16.01.2018 09:30:37] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Oh, the Corse? Well, we mostly are traders, but we also used to finance expeditions through gallia [16.01.2018 09:30:58] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Back when there were new corners to find and settle, and new systems to explore [16.01.2018 09:31:39] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I have reason to believe that you lot are particularly adept at...obtaining certain things. [16.01.2018 09:32:19] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Well, perhaps we do have a certain reputation in some corners of Gallia [16.01.2018 09:32:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Is that reputation true? [16.01.2018 09:32:49] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: But you can't beleive /everything/ you hear monsieur [16.01.2018 09:33:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Perhaps, but there is often some truth to those rumors no? [16.01.2018 09:34:03] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Ah, oui, there usually is a kernel of truth somewhere [16.01.2018 09:34:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And it is that smidgen of truth I am interested in. [16.01.2018 09:35:20] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Well, monsier, perhaps we should take a quick flight around, and discuss things further, away from any prying eyes, oui? [16.01.2018 09:35:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: That's a fine idea [16.01.2018 09:36:12] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Ah... the Maquis.. their methods may be distasteful sometimes, but they do get results, that can't be denied [16.01.2018 09:36:22] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Quite so. [16.01.2018 09:36:39] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Shall we switch to a private channel? [16.01.2018 09:36:48] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Oui, go ahead [16.01.2018 09:37:22] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Wonderful [16.01.2018 09:38:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So, some time ago one of our agents contacted your people, would you happen to know anything about this? [16.01.2018 09:38:47] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Hmm.. What was the circumstances of this contact? [16.01.2018 09:39:20] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We were interested in obtaining something from you [16.01.2018 09:40:00] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Something that we were, and still are, willing to pay a high price for. [16.01.2018 09:41:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: If you catch my meaning. [16.01.2018 09:42:14] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: *nods* I see... I dont recall anything about earlier contact, but much goes on that other don't always know about [16.01.2018 09:43:10] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Fair enough. Let me reopen communications with your organisation then, a new deal as it were. [16.01.2018 09:45:11] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Oui, do so monsieur, and I will make sure someone knows to expect your call [16.01.2018 09:46:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Thank you. I will use the old communication channels, if they still exist [16.01.2018 09:47:12] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: *nods* [16.01.2018 09:47:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I shan't take anymore of your time then sir. [16.01.2018 09:47:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Good day. [16.01.2018 09:47:48] [UC]V-Fortunes.Espoir: Bon voyage, Bretonian!