These may be somewhat stupid questions to somewhat windows/freelancer savvy people, but I don't want to risk screwing up my installation so anyway:
1. In my AppData/Local folder I discovered the folders "Discovery Freelancer 4.86.0" and "Discovery Freelancer 4.87.0 which are about 1 GB large beside the "Discovery Freelancer 4.88.1" folder which obviously contains the current mod version. In my "Software" part of the system settings which normally lets one uninstall software, there's no entry for any discovery mod version. So my question is: Can I just delete the old mod folders without confusing my computer, or will that leave lots of unused registry entries cluttering the registry? Does the uninstall program in those folders really remove only that mod version without crippling the current one somehow?
2. I want to screw around with system Freelancer Mod Studio to see what can be done there. When I copy the current mod version so I can edit it without triggering the ant cheat, does it have to be in the AppData/Local folder so it can be run and tested in single player mode? What's the best way to do this?