The problem with Captain Harrington is that I see a Hellfire soldier fighting under the Gaian flag. No allegiance, no ideological semblance does he bear with the rest of your Movement. Our bonds of friendship are not just circumstantial because we share a number of common enemies but are based on common ideological background. That is our problem Ms Collins; perhaps with enough interest you can find a solution so that we can cooperate with your forces more closely in the aforementioned areas.
Regarding cardamine, I understand why you'd be wary to use it when there is only a single, and hostile to your faction, producer of this natural grass. Nevertheless remember that the Kingdom has outplayed the Gaians on this issue and proved to be far more progressive and open-minded than your own Movement.
Warden Collins you spoke of deliveries. That would be very welcomed considering it has been a long time since the Gaians last reported artifact deliveries to our Job Board. Perhaps we should expect a new batch any time soon?
As for scientific exchanges I can secure for us a number of Technicians and Specialists, who given the right tools, can make Hacker technology more compatible to the Gaians and vice versa. Provided of course that you're still interested in such a development.