' Wrote:Well, loving the idea, as I do, I could organize it...
There would have to be some limits involved though...
Location: Connecticut, becouse it sits roughly in the middle of Sirius and is about as neutral as Swiss...
Classes: Light Fighters, Heavy Fighters, Very Heavy Fighters...
No thrusters (to make it faster) and perhaps no armor upgrade aswell (to make it fair even to the newbies).
Bets would be taken, and split evenly between the winners:
50% goes to the winner of the fight
40% goes to the winners of the bet(split accordingly to how much they betted)
10% goes to the organizer of the event
So let's say there are 10 people each betting 50M on the Rheinlander and a surten LPI beats him with a donut warmers becouse he was promised a ton of donuts in case he won by a surten outside better who betted 10M on him money would split like this...
30M Winner
24M Bet Winner/s
6M Organizer
Opposed to capturing pilots, this kind of money would surtenly attract loads of profesional gladiators...
There could be multiple organizers joining multipla battles on a single night, with various equipment limitations,... Someone might even organise a chick fight in the muds of space...
Another Idea: All who would make OORP comments in the system chat would forfit their winnings...
As soon as the betting system is decided upon i'll make an excell sheet for it's callculations, to ease organising burden...
You talk about a different thing here. Connecticut sits badly as a place to arrange a ILLEGAL, forced fighting place. You are talking a gladiatorial arena event. You can of course arrange such an event, but it's not the same as the original idea.