Absender: Generaloberst Albert Weis Empfänger: Die Weiße Rose Kommunikationszentrale Location: Rheinland, Frankfurt, Bruchsal Base Encryption:Medium Guten Tag.
Times have gotten better for our movement. The Rote Hessen Armee, one of our staunch supporters, has risen back into the limelight, and is suppressing Corsair movements in the Omegas. The Order has also risen slightly, making a base in Sigma-21 for the Sigma Alliance, of which we are part of. Feel free to visit the base, with my permission, of course. I have also witnessed exemplary work from most of you, and it is now time to pay you back fro your hard work.
Major Karl Richtofer is now an Oberst, and commander of attack group Süd. Hauptmann Annika Einfalt is now a Major, and assistant commander to attack group Koeln. Annika Schuttler is now an official member of DWR as a Soldat, and can fly any of our shared craft except for Gunboats. Attack group Süd has been formed for our new offensive movements against our enemies, consisting of the Gunboat Geschwister Scholl, the transport Hammersee, a group of 3 Wraith fighters, 2 Bergelemir Bombers, and 2 Fafnir Bombers.
Additionally, we are making preparations for several key strikes against enemies in Dresden. Battleship Altenberg is our primary target, and will be taken care of by Attack Group Süd. We intend to build up the forces of the attack group, so if you have any spare credits, please send them to the Neural net Account "DWR|Bank". We will succeed, if we simply stay strong in both strategy and morality.