⎔Recipients : ▫Our Next Contestant, Mr Howler. ⎔Sender : ▫▫▫▫▫▫A Thankful Race Director. ⎔Origin : ▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫Broadcasting Live from Somewhere in Liberty Space. ⎔Subject : ▫▫▫▫▫▫second Run Best Run. ⎔Encryption : ▫Encryption? who needs it when your Going Live! .
Ho Ho Mr Howler.
it seems you certainly improved your Time, by a hole 45 seconds it seems, well now that's quite impressive, iv punched the numbers to verify the times and it seems you were Particularly Quicker Around Checkpoints 1, 2 and 3, even more so with Checkpoint 2 where you were but a single second off from the Record's Split Time between C1 and C2, Im Honestly impressed.
You Previous Time was Recorded as 12 minutes and 34 seconds, your New Record is 11 minutes and 49 seconds, with a Time like that You will Defiantly Set quite a High Bar for when more Competition Enters the Fray.
⎔ ~ Black Cat. ⎔ ~ Gracious Race Director - Black League Racing.