(07-26-2018, 08:11 PM)Unseelie Wrote: Before Turret zoom and turret steering, a fighter could get inside a capital's effective sight lines, and loop around them, slowly chewing the capital up. Fighters were king.
Now, it takes about 4 very careful fighters to take down a battlecruiser, and two or three to kill a gb.
So, I do agree that perhaps we've gone a little far into the direction of capitals being a better lever on personal skill...but I still can't agree with the OP saying that we should make it entirely 1v1. Still, if it is possible, I do think fighters deserve a buff against capitals. It is extremely disheartening to have one capital count as 3 or 4 guys in a groupfight...even though, realistically...they ought be.
Thank yee, I do agree with thee as well that 'tis disheartening that one capital player counts as four snub players.
Perhaps if we had 500+ players to back up the numbers, we'd be able to formulate such assymetrical fights, but we're currently at most 100 players who mainly fly caps. And even with 500+ players, player-osmosis would eventually lead everyone to be rich enough to be cap-pilots, meaning the newer players in their snubs will be left out.
Also, my system hearkens back to the days in Single Player when thy lowly VHF would be able to go toe-to-toe against entire fleets of battleships. T'was quite fun, if I may add, and I simply wished for that kind of 'underdog vs big cheese' fight to happen once more.