You may refer to me as Phantom 3. Following the offer of assistance in producing specifically borderworlds ships, my strike force would like to inquire as to the earliest we could obtain six (6) Sabres from you. Funds have been requisitioned already to provide full-market value for them, and one of our normal trade convoys are willing to return them from a drop-point near or in Mu of your choosing.
Sabres are notoriously hard to acquire in the Libertonian market without indirectly supporting one of the many groups we take issue with. Importing them from outside of Liberty raises its own issues, as I'm sure you know. While I'm not against skirting SOPs, some things are more trouble than they're worth. In this case, the benefit of using Sabres versus the difficulty of obtaining them in.. shall we say, "kosher," ways has ceased being an issue.
Can I and my team count on your previous offer? You may be sure they will be put to use for the Movement, and by extension, the Order.