RULE:4.3 Docking during combat with hostiles in docking message range (15k) counts as PvP Death, except for transports. If a player combat docks in a transport they may remain in the system for the sole purpose of trading only. They may not attack anyone unless in self defense. This restriction lasts for two hours.
QUESTION: I was in a Junker IDed/IFFed Armoured Transport outside Ingolstadt Station in Munich, engaged in the risky business of attempting to drop a Codename gun into space, hoping to quickly switch to another character and tractor it in.....It was obviously unmounted at this point....suddenly a Zoner IFFed ship approached from the Direction of Nurenberg...possibly having just undocked....it immediately opened fire on me with no interaction at all....It was a Serenity I think...it did little or no damage to my shields even....I did dock, discretion seemed the better part of valour….Does an armoured Transport count as a "transport" in the spirit of the rule? I had no actual cargo and went on the assumption that since I'd docked during combat (even if a sort of undeclared attack etc) I was "PVP dead"....What I did was log off the character...and stayed off it for 2 hours....it seemed the right thing to do....hopefully that counts as "leaving the system" ? Should I have remounted the gun for safekeeping and actually flown to a jumpgate? I wasn't sure....
also is there any loopholes or whatever with regard to attacking to aqquire an unmounted code gun that I'm unaware of? I don't want to make an issue of the attack itself or anything...life's too short, type of thing....There's a slim possibility that they maybe posted something in public chat...while too far away to recieve...but I doubt it...I'm fairly sure they undocked...The interaction itself and having to wait to resume my business was slightly tiresome but I wanted to do the right thing....
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Space travel's in my blood and there ain't nothing I can do about it...
Long journeys wear me out......but.... I know... I can't live without it...
From "Another Girl, Another Planet" by The Only Ones 1978