Region, House or Location of Origin: Planet New London
Are you are Bretonian Citizen?: Yes
Any useful experience and qualifications: Basic Flight
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: God save the queen. We need everyone who can fly a ship to push out the frogs.
Short biography: I am a run of the mill, boring bretonian. College graduate, worked as a salaryman in a planetside company until they had to close the shop. Since then, I am struggling with finances and ever stressed because of the frog invasion. I know the basics of flying a fighter sized vessel, as my father used to work as an escort for the BMM and taught me a bit. I do not offer anything special but I can disrupt enemy warships while they try to cruise at least.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Fleet Admiral Sir Jacob McIntire
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? HMS Pendragon
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. Gallia, Corsairs, Mollys, Gaians
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be? Nothing comes to mind.