With the successful delivery of the Interloper which was late on the scheduled, we actually managed to have the engine prototype constructed and ready for installation. It'll take a few days, but overall shouldn't be long. Anyhow, apart from the 'assistance' that my eyes don't keep going too far into the inner workings. I must say, your interloper, while light, seems like one mean invention on the level of Electronic Warfare systems. As far as I recall, there was another prototype that was in use on previous stealth technology programs that we had traded ways with each other. Hopefully this will become a versatile system for long range operations, its fast, highly equipped and certainly has good coverage on its firing arcs... I'm sure you have a limited number of these so having them as 'general combat assets' is highly unlikely and a well made decision is to avoid putting these things in that role.
Other than that... I think my work here is done. Unless you say otherwise or I protest. If you need me, I'll be found where I normally am off hours, the bar.