* The woman whispered to the two Marines standing behind her *
Ye two stay 'ere, oy got tae talk. Roight ?
The red-headed, then, walked nonchalantly with a rolling gait to the center of the room, where she hoped she could be seen and heard perfectly.
And after clearing her throat, she proceeded.
Roight, ladies un' gentlemen,
So, dhis be 'bout 'Sars, naow , un' nae dhat Bretonian fleet dhat entered deh system ? At least accordin' tae deh Brets...
Sars... Sars...
Hell knows deh HATRED, deh people o' Dublin un' Derry, oos, deh Mollys feel toward dem, fer what dey did...Mesel' included ! She added, not even trying to hide her blood boiling inside.
Un' oy would say, oif t'was only tae oos, we'd be kickin' deir radin' party's arses in O-fourty-noine alreaday !
Dhat's been done Alreaday. Oy mean we did it.
Along widh deh Red Hessians un' deh Coalition, we DID defeat deh Fes Fleet, 'ere, in O-fourty-noine. Un' deir be probably lickin' deir wounds in some dark un' filthy hole, where dey belong.
Un' where were deh Brets, back den ? Oy'll tell ye, people : dey were probably sittin' in New New London, drinking Tea At this point, the red-haired woman start mimicking a pompous and arrogant Bretonian Nobleman drinking a cup of tea with the little finger raised.
Look darling, zhoose dirty peasants are doing zhe job fer uus, zhat's so convenient ! Who would have believed it ? Zhat's hilarous, huhuhuh !
At this point, the woman stopped her an impersonation of how a Bretonian Noble would act, according to her. And stared at the Bretonian delegation with delight, looking inordinately pleased with herself.
Adressing anew to the assembly, she carried on.
Nae, nae, ladies un' gentlemen, * Pointing the finger at the Bretonian delegation *
Doses people are pretending dhat dey's bringing a war fleet 'cause o' deh 'Sars. Naow dhat deh threat dhat represented deir fleet be gone !?
How convenient ! But tink 'bout it. Oif dey'd really cared 'bout dhat, dey would have acted years ago. But dey dinnae. Nay e'en 'gainst deh Fes Fleet.
Un' oy'll tell ye whoy :
Deh 'Sars 'ere be an excuse tae bring deir war fleet 'ere. Trust mae, doses peoples be full o' shoite !
Un' oif ye dun alreaday believed what was said, listen tae dhis :
First tin' dey did, un' deeds dun loye. First tin' dey did was bringin' deir war fleet 'ere.
Den, when dey realoized, people reacted tae it, dey sent oos dhat paper-pusher, claiming dhat deh ol' treaty was void. * Blod' looked straight at Steiner, cleared her throat conspicuously, and did spit on the ground *
But, what unravel deir real mind, be what ser Davis said : Deh Kingdom o' Bretonia wants tae have a saying on deh New Laws fer O-fourty-noine.
Lemme translate fer ye : Deh Kingdom o' Bretonia will soize de whole system , enforce deir law, un' , exactly loike he said fer omega-three, be parked in reserves where ye would have yer wee law fer ye. Jus' Loike omega-three.
Make nae moistakes, ladies un' gentlemen, dhis be how houses act !
Un' deh Kingdom o' Bretonia be nae exception tae dhis.
Dey did it fer Omega-three, Tau-Fourty-wun, Orkney, Tau-twenny-three. Look a deir claim : inverness, Derry, . Deh Titles o' deir queen : Empress o' deh Taus, Sovereign o' deh near Omegas...
Finally, dey ain't different frem Gauls...In Fact, dey're deh same.
Ye Zone', will probably end up loike in Pennsylvannia o' Omega-three...in indigenous reserve.
Naow, Ser Davis talked 'bout where deh people o' Bretonia should fall back.
Dhat's interresting , indeed !
Tis nae loike some Bret refugees alreaday found a place tae loive on Gran Canaria, un' dey dinnae needed a war-fleet tae do so.
In fact mos' o' em were deported tae Sprague, un' some on Cambridge. Nae loike Bretonia lacks any place where dey could send deir people.
More den dhoses planets, 'cause dey'll argue dhat dey got nae place fer doses o' New London. But Naow dhat deh Libertonians built dhat abomination in Poole. Deh Refugees could be sent tae Liberty where dey would be safe.
But nae, dey choose a system, dhat nae house controls, dhat dey, brets, ain't controllin', yet.
Un' oy guess ye remember how bretonians people where used boye deir government tae annex deh Whole Omega-three system ?
Ye forsee what will happen ? Billions o' brets on Gran Canaria, turnin' ye , Zone' intae a wee minority.
Dhat's a strategy o' colonization.
Un' hence whoy dey'd bring a Warfleet !
Naow, oif someone still believes in negociations, un' do nae trust what oy said, ye could troy sumtin'.
First o' all, deh Bretonian fleet should leave afore negociations start. Oif dey disagree, dhat would prove what oy said 'bout deh 'sar fleet already gone. Deh Bret fleet ain't nae 'ere fer 'em bloody 'Sars.
Second : Dey want deh 'sars off deh Planet ? Foine, but in exchange, deh Bretonians on planet GC should leave too.
Den, let oos see how dey'd react.
Third : oif dey brets be gone, negociate a treaty where deh kingdom have absolutly nae roight o'er deh system. Dey'd have nae reasons tae refuse dhat, oif dere' nae Brets anymore, 'ere... Unless o' course, oif what oy said was true.
Un make nae moistakes, oy wish oy was wrong.
Dhat would be all fer naow, Ladies un' Gentlemen, tank ye fer listenin'.
(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.