(12-09-2018, 01:37 PM)Corile Wrote: Good to know you think 4v1 is enjoyable pvp.
Thank you for the feedback, but this is not really constructive at all, infact this is rather rude and sarcastic. If you wish to provide us with constructive feedback please do. If not then take a sandwich break. Many thanks.
No offense but it's going to be difficult to take your faction seriously if this is the kind of answer players have to expect in this thread. You might as well not have made a feedback thread at all.
4v1 is disgusting and there is no excuse.
Please provide us evidence of this 4 v 1? In the records i've got, it was a 2 v 1 to start of with, the GRI killed one of those making it a 1 v 1. That is when two more Maquis showe up, and the pilot the GRI was fighting stood down and left the scene, making it a 2 v 1 again, The GRI in question we dealt with the day before, in a similar situation, but Maquis where out numbered, skilled, and the GRI would happily shield run, hug the bases, and out numbered Maquis players, but also keep calling in reinforcements. To the point one Plier had no guns what so ever, and it took 4 GRI to kill it, and they where very aware of that, and do you see any Maquis going to a GRI feedback thread?
Nope, you don't that's because we expect it, and after all we are a terrorist faction. But when does fairplay come into play? You can never make things fair, 1 v 1 it is down to the players ability, ship class and expierence and much more. Most of Maquis are newer players with very little pvp expierence, while alot of the Gallic Lawful factions have very expierence players onboard who don't want to play fair towards us.