* Location: Somewhere in Gran Canaria, Omega 49 system*
*To: Alessa Samson *
*Sender: Red*
There is a old saying ... the rats are the first to leave the ship!!!! Tell me ... Prof. Dr. Alessa Samson ... where are you going to place all the people? In a station? Are there any stations large enough to take all these people? Is there another planet that i don't know of that can take us all? Why ... you want to leave this planet empty for the bretonians?!! How you wiil gona pay all this ... did the bretonians ... helped you?!! Six years ago the Corsairs did the same ... we fought back ... i mean ... some of us fought back!! Now we had all this time to prepare for another invasion ... not from the Corsairs ... that is part of the pass and i hold no resent to then, they also lost many like we did ... but actually we were expecting to be from the Gauls ... but looks like the only diference between Bretonia and Gallia is just the language!!! We don't have forces in space that can fight back, but ... tThat i know ... we have about twenty thousand strong men and women ready to fight .. there are probably more groups, and i don't know what the Corsair setlements will do ... but if the bretonians are coming ... it is better they come prepared because we will gonna give then hell!!
So ... i wish you a safe voyage for you and all your rats i mean refugees!!