It's been some time since we've talked about that shipment of craft that you delivered to us, but since then I've identified a core problem with putting them in the field and have ordered for them to be grounded until further notice. I'm sure you're curious about why, but don't worry, there's nothing wrong with them. There's just the issue of maintenance. We can't keep them in working order for long given the working conditions involved in our.. colorful neighborhood. It would simply be impossible to limit the damage these ships take, and when they inevitably do break down, we'll be stuck with a full hangar bay of ships we can't fix and keep using.
The problem is one of logistics, the parts we'd need to keep these ships space-worthy can only come from you, and given the distance, there would likely be significant delays in the receipt of parts, and even potential for damage to your logistics vessels, given how risky it is to be anywhere close to Liberty. Now I might have a way to work around this, and I've started putting pieces in motion to perhaps get the supplies required to make it work. But what we're going to need is for you to send over a few engineers capable of modification to the core systems of a ship, electronics, weapon mounts, the works.
If these ships are going to fly, and fly consistently, then they'll require a generous amount of modifications and adjustments to accommodate daily usage. Consider this a joint project between us to produce a "new" craft purpose-built to withstand the rigors of the Alliance's modus operandi. Which isn't to say the Nepthys in its current state cannot do so, it's just that we can't realistically keep up with the logistics to keep them in shape, at least not reliably. I'm sure you'll agree that this would be expensive and wasteful for both of us. It would be far more rewarding and logical to help us create assets that we can sustain with a good degree of self-sufficiency.