With all the love for my old friends @Durandal, @Kaze and other cool indies, sorry but no. Closing doors to indies was on my request and good Herr @Bannorn had to agree. Please, do not blame him, blame me.
Please someone, ask me why to hell would I suddenly deny my love to indies? Something pissed Pepe off?
Because of small group of very skilled awesomely teamworking players that always log ALL on one side and devastate other side to the point they say will never event again. Ok... it's their right to fly together. I respect that. But, our right is to make events on our level.
I'm also sick of reading their /fm text that we ruined balance this or that way and now we must pay.
Also, I'm not even sure we can gather enough players for this one, but it stays OF Only. We will have fun, or die trying.