==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Administrator Of Freeport 11.
Date: April 11th, 826 A.S.
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***High***
Subject: Velvet Gold, and our ability to increase operational capabilities..
Mr. Mendez, apologies for the slow reply. Given the recent conclusion of the meeting, I wanted a bit of time to settle down into the new role.
Either way, seems that I can continue with upping the security team with a new vessel. We have a busted Oasis class Passenger liner, that I believe that the team can make good use of. It shouldn't be a huge amount of materials we need. But I have confirmed that so far, I have set up a list of what we need which can be accessed here
I have begun to utilise what we have on the Freeport, but until we get these items delivered, we're not going to be able to make much use of the ship.
There will be later retrofits that can be done, but hopefully, it should be a lot more self sustaining.
This transmission will be extended to all allies of ours in the Omicron systems so that we can co-operate together.
Should it be needed. With that in mind, I will wait for any updates.