This is Peter Stranburg,Oracle Initiate.
I'll be brief. Rheinland has always been famous for its ships.They are one of the strongest ships in all of Sirius. I need this ship so that I can effectively destroy our common enemies - the Order and, in particular, the Corsairs.
I know very well the reluctance of many to help the oracles. Many people consider us crazy cultists who glorify the nomads. However, I hasten to assure that these are just rumors spread by our enemies. We help people, give them shelter and hope.
If you need confirmation of my good goals, you can see the relationship with Enemies and Rheinland
Ship type requested, amount: 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Very Heavy Fighter [1x]
Name of ship or ships: Oracle|Deacon,Stranburg
IDentification of ship(s): Oracle ID
Owner(s) of ship(s): Peter Stranburg
Purpose: Help and protection of people in need