The Okamura standard will fly high in the wind. Our struggle was never for the purpose of bringing another fallible Shogunate into power. Noble lineage has time and time again shown to be victims of pride and the primary perpetrators of prejudice. Tools of convenience that parasites like Samura easily twist into chains with which to bind the House we fight to free. The destiny of a person should lie in their own tenacity, not the social constructs of a bygone and decadent era that tried to force our ancestors into conformity.
Centuries-worth of blood has been spilled for us to be free from a tyrannical master, and perhaps the biggest insult is that you now willingly bind yourself to one of your own devices. Kusari can only be reformed when all instances of the past which plagued it are dead, and from the scorched past will rise the young and open-minded. Those capable of seeing the wider picture and understanding the value of life at its fundamental level. Those who resent Kleptocracy just as much as we all do.
A path will be cut for the General's return, the only man capable of fostering true unity were we to succeed in our mission. A balance must be struck, even if at the cost of blood-shed. A balance between fire and ice, tiger and dragon. Only then will the cycle that was set in motion centuries ago be broken and reset. The ties must be severed and parasites purged.
And the only way is forward, not back. A fact my Brethren are blind to. But one I will ensure is represented.