Mission Status:Intelligence Gathering Where:Liberty; New York & Pennsylvania ID & Rank:Charlie Davidson - Ensign
Find Fort Sempiternal in Pennsylvania as it has been declared and warreted for an assault, give intelligence to local naval capital ships.
Find and document images and evidence for an illegal station called "Delta Labs"
Hello Commanders. This is Charlie Davidson reporting on an research and intelligence.
We have been gathering mission intelligence with local navy [LN]Marcus,Robinson and naval ship LNS-Kepler.
Please let me show you my findings:
Operation 1:
Fort Sempiternal was reported for deconstruction and this is the intelligence the Liberty Security Force gave us:
On getting to the location we found the station had already been removed, and no "wreck" was sighted. Presume Junkers removal of waste in the area, evidence of base removal:
Note: Docking Allowed, 5th, LN and LNS all approved docking.
- Not registered with Liberty Gov
Operation 2 Findings: Base clarified for existence, however docking rights have been given to lawful entities however still found illegal as not on required database. Requirement to destroy to process to the High Command.
This has been your intelligence report,
Have a nice day