You guys have applied for Officialdom and I would expect better things from a Group who are trying to achieve this.
Earlier, as I was passing through IDF, I saw one of your Transports on the wrong side of a 'blue message'. Very unusual as you are normally on the other side of them (not sure if the other Transport died as well as I was busily doing my own thing).
Suddenly more MQS started logging in IDF.
A few minutes later one of my Members logs in (in Orleanais) and he tells me that one of you pm'ed him asking if he was the one that did the 'deed'.
The 2 Transports then log off and suddenly they log, what was possibly SHF/Bombers, in Picardy and head straight in to Orleanais.
He decides that they are hunting him, which I could see his point.
Discretion being the better part of valour, he gets out of 'Dodge' and changes Ships to start mining in Languedoc.
Both Ships head back to Picardy, log off and log back on, one in Languedoc and the other in Provence. The one in Provence heads straight to Languedoc.
He, yet again, decides you are after him and changes Ships back to Orleanais.
Well, blow me down with a feather, one of you logs off in Languedoc, shortly afterwards, reappears in Picardy and heads straight for Orleanais.
This has all the appearance of a 'witch hunt' and in my eyes is very ooRP.
We all know you have the numbers and skills to slap down any and all opposition that tries to give you any contest in Gallia. You have proved that on many occasions. None of us, that play in Gallia have your skills, but time after time you appear with superior numbers and Ships (whether it is your MQS SHFs/Bombers or Council BSs and BCs.
You are making this unplayable for those casual Players that frequent Gallia. I am close to telling my Members just to log off/hide whenever you appear.
You might want to review your very ooRP way of obtaining Molybdenum (you know what I mean).
Please note, I have not put this in your Official Faction Request Thread. If you have no intention of changing and are just going to respond with the normal 'lip service' response, then I hope you don't become Official, as you may get lots of fun out of this, but to the detriment of everybody else.
Have a good day.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person