While I will not rule out the possibility, providing such a large and advanced installation as a station-mounted scanner array is something that we would not undertake lightly, if at all. I might instead suggest that by equipping patrols with scanner technology which we have perfected and are willing to provide, a greater benefit is to be had. This would make your early detection systems mobile and portable, scalable, and flexible to day-to-day needs. Should you wish to increase the range of your scanners, patrols need only fly further. Should you wish to apply this technology elsewhere or in some other capacity, only the ships need relocation, without dismantling and reinstalling heavy equipment. And, should you ever wish to improve the power of the capability, simply equip more ships.
We would be happy to deliver to you these advanced miniaturised Spyglass Scanners, as fast as we can produce them, for the low price of two hundred and seventy-five million credits per ship to be equipped. If this is to your liking, please inform us as to how many devices you would seek to purchase and to which class of vessels they should be fitted.