"Kinkaku-ji has extensive storage facilities and as the base expands, so will its storage capacities be expanded to support the demand of the base's needs. We have already opened up a cardamine market on the station that sells the quality cardamine of the Cadiz Cartel. I am sure we could increase the sales over time. Kinkaku-ji also has the ideal position to become a potential cardamine trade hub, which would benefit both us and Malta.
But a trade hub is something we could construct ourselves. The Golden Chrysanthemums lack infrastructure that our enemies and even our allies possess. A shipyard. We are highly dependant on our allies to maintain our vessels which are larger than a fighter or a bomber, which severely cripples us. Our tridente gunboats and aspis need to go all the way to Valetta for the most basic of repairs. This is both a costly and dangerous endaevour. We do not possess a shipyard of our own, so we do no not have the expertise in constructing one. Malta does."
She takes the hookah and inhales the fresh cardamine.