A passenger Liner with the Call sign GRG|New.Horizon gets in range of the Cali Base. Onboard is Jade Snow, with her crew ready for a meeting with the highest rank personnel of the Orange Alliance. She is visibly nervous, but yet she gives her crew orders to stay as calm as possible since this is a new situation for all of them. As they get closer to the Cali Base, she makes an announcement over the ship's internal radio. Alright, so I know this is a new situation for all of us, but yet we need to remain calm and look prepared. We are here to represent the Genesis Research Group as good as possible. We have no space for flaws or mistakes right now, and everything needs to run nice and smoothly. Furthermore, since we don't know any of those people, I give everyone the order that as soon as I leave the ship, a ship-wide High alert lockdown will be initiated. This is a pure security measurement. In case something goes wrong or anyone tries to force their way inside the ship, you will take off, no matter what happens to me. As soon as they reached the Cali Base, they requested to dock and got lead to their docking bay. While they landed, most of the crew started to prepare the High alert lockdown, and Jade did go back to her quarters to prepare the last bits of her presentation. While she was in there, two GRG security guards found themselves in front of her quarter, ready to follow her when she gets picked up.