The ICN functions as a mission archive & communications hub for the Streitmächte of Rheinland.
Pilots and officers of the Streitmächte are to file After Action Reports (henceforth AAR) and present promotion criteria for consideration of the Admiralty here. Standardized AAR template & Promotion Request format are attached below.
[font=Courier Prime]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac lacus ut orci egestas molestie. Nullam facilisis lorem elit, a rutrum quam vehicula id. Duis eget risus quis magna porta consequat. Proin in finibus ante. Ut commodo luctus lacus, sit amet tincidunt mi blandit porttitor. Donec vel tincidunt velit. Fusce mollis non leo a molestie. Fusce est mauris, tempus sed ligula vitae, rutrum semper nisi. Nam ultrices mi orci, vel vulputate nisi aliquam et.
Proin eget est ligula. Nam consequat eros tortor, nec placerat metus tincidunt at. Aliquam porta non nisi non euismod. Duis ut laoreet metus, id imperdiet orci. Nullam iaculis interdum risus nec cursus. Aliquam lobortis euismod urna eu convallis. Sed in odio sed tellus ultricies vehicula. Pellentesque molestie massa et lectus aliquam lobortis. Nam ac turpis vulputate, vehicula magna id, aliquet nisl. Morbi augue nisl, congue sit amet ornare sit amet, porttitor et nibh. [/font]
[spoiler=Attached Files][list]
[*] [url=][font=Courier Prime]Use direct Imgur links for images[/font][/url]
[*] [url=][font=Courier Prime]Use pastebin for message logs[/font][/url]
[align=justify][size=x-small][b][color=#6c945c][font=Montserrat]IMPORTANT:[/font][/color] [font=Courier Prime]The contents of this message are the permanent, irrevocable, sole property of the Streitmächte von Rheinland. Unauthorized possession, copy-making, transference, or any facilitation thereof is illegal under Imperial Communications Directive 136, and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible under the law.[/font][/size][/b][/align][/indent]
[font=Courier Prime]Why do you feel you deserve this promotion?
List of ranking officers who have vouched for your promotion:[/font]
[*] [font=Courier Prime]Rank. Lastname[/font]
[*] [font=Courier Prime]Rank. Lastname[/font]
[font=Courier Prime]List of promotion criteria. All Promotion criteria for the appropriate rank advancement must be fulfilled in order for a promotion to succeed.[/font]
Responsibilities of the Admiralty include the dispensation of new standing orders, promotion, and decoration of pilots & officers.
The ICN is a secure, internalized network, segregated from the neural net. In extenuating circumstances, the Admiralty may choose to permit ICN access to third parties not affiliated with Rheinland's armed forces. Unauthorized access to the ICN is strictly prohibited.