I know it's kind of late, but as I'm now watching the current Kusari activity... It's pretty bad, of course I'm not insulting those that are flyin unlawful factions neither those in lawful factions. I don't see much action going on. Kusari as a house can be successful in terms of interactions. You shouldn't guys force yourselves immediately towards the OF. OF is not mandatory, and in my opinion, it's not even worth it. I would rather like to see this game without any OFs, as many of them are struggling to maintain the OF. I would rather like to see an unofficial faction interacting like crazy, creating awesome RP, than an Official faction that's no longer doing any of it.
I understand the server is not at its peak right now, but you can sometimes organise events & raids against unlawfuls which are there, available.
You don't need to force yourself to do anything you don't feel satisfied with. At least you should have waited for more people to join you. I know it's hard to gain any members at this time, but you can try to organise events, raids, RP projects that can attract "our" players into the faction. That's to show the people what KSP is capable of and etc.
It's not enough to post MDs about successful patrols, but some people will like that, but majority, no. Don't get me wrong, they're awesome but, you needed those events, literally anything that can give you interactions against your rivals. There're 3 official unlawful forces there, 2 OF lawfuls, with some unofficial factions. Basically, use available players to create awesome interactions.
I'm sad to see that you gave up. Maybe you haven't yet, maybe you feel that attraction towards the KSP to start it again? I'm sure you do, at least a tiny bit.
But, it's your decision. I attempted to give you several tips. I hope you'll reconsider. It's hard, but once you beat it, you've won.
Dedication and hard-work.
I wish you the best of luck. I'm expecting you back.