To:Horatio Fairfax Rodney Alfred Bickerton. From:Scarborough Station - Newcastle Topic:Recruitment Terminal. Date:25/02/827 A.S.
Greetings, Mr. Fairfax.
Welcome Mr. Fairfax! Welcome to New London's most beloved company. Reading your resume we notice your sense of humor, as well as your category to express your opinion of how you can lead a historic and administrative life in a field with collaborators. Once again, welcome. However, if you feel that these changes do not affect the way you work, feel free to let us know about your projects, which we will be delighted to look into if they are viable. Once you have accepted this, you can start your work immediately by performing at Scarbourough to get your ID and uniform credentials from that office in your mailbox.
See you later, Michael Taylor
Leader Bowex and Director of Trade,