Simplified and streamlined reading and writing of vectors, quaternions and matrices with conversion between Freelancer and 3ds Max coordinate systems reducing redundant matrix operations.
Minor improvements to .sur generation.
Improved exceptions messages to better indicate origin of issue.
Fixed incorrect normals export which would occur when LOD mesh matrix rotation did not match rotation of the rigid part helper.
Added "Force Zero Center" checkbox in Rigid part helper to force its LODs bounding sphere center to zero. Enable when exporting starspheres, otherwise camera can end up off center.
Special treatment of null VMeshRefs (references with no groups/indices, null meshID) used by parts without LODs.
Fixed inverted textures bug that would occur when importing models without previously exported textures (bug was related to 3ds Max bitmap caching).
Fixed bug where submaterials in LOD mesh without faces would still generate empty mesh groups.
"Remove Duplicates" has been changed to "Keep Duplicates" in Import Rigid Model dialog window.
Improved compatibility with some non-vanilla models.
Added support for offset in revolute joint (be aware most other tools either ignore or incorrectly apply it).
New features:
Import Character tool to import complete character costumes (body, head, left and right hands).
New Alignment Tool (sidebar). Primarily intended to align hardpoints/helpers to mesh surface but also can be used for any scene objects.
New Resize Model Tool (sidebar). Resizes model, relocating and upscaling as needed.
New Surfaces Tool (sidebar). Generate convex hull(s) from mesh selection. For each mesh object a convex hull is generated and optionally merged into single resulting mesh.
Important changes regarding hitbox hulls:
Surface meshes no longer have or need special attributes to designate them as such, instead any editable mesh found in Rigid part helper will be used as hitbox unless it is marked as LOD mesh. Hardpoint flag is determined by presence of a hardpoint matching mesh name.
p.s. Still just a zip with files, postponed installer till next update.