I prefer approaching feedback threads with commendations, but this time I have a complaint. I tried talking about the same thing with Wesker earlier, but he was not interested, which is understandable having in mind that he is leaving because of that new game that has come out, so I will bring this up to the rest of the [RHA].
Today I tried to duel a Core| battlecruiser with my Coalition battlecruiser. I waited for fifteen minutes for this because my opponent was busy with a phone call. In the middle of the duel, two of your members, both on Thors (or at least one of them) moved in without question. Your members did not seem to care for my requests to leave us. Near the end, the Core battlecruiser completely stopped and quit because of the impossible odds. This made me very sad. For a moment I stopped shooting and wanted to let him go, but your two bombers kept firing, so I made his misery shorter instead. Following my complaint about the lack of sportsmanship on the [RHA] side, one of your members told me to "go to conn".
Would the RHA mind being kinder to fellow players even if outside of Connecticut, please?