Glad we are still here breathing, and that DiscoGC FL is still up and running! I am considering returning for a Discovery play season - or a fraction of one at the very least.
Factions are always an important element here. I would like my next season to have a good impact on groups and people; any factions that would like an old silly vet to help breathe new life, share ideas, plan events, or to just fly around:
*Contact Preferences:
Via Forum IM
On this thread
Via Discord (my ID: Skyelius#6386)
*Official Factions: Yes
*Unofficial Groups: Yes
This will allow me to set expectations for activity and see if it's worth scheduling some time for Disco FL again. : )
Anyone else that shares my sentiment and would also like to help our factions - you are welcome to post (be sure to let people know your preference for contacting you)!
Sky / Eli
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson