@Corpus13, @Thunderer, @Hokan: Thank you for posting! You all agreed that DWR| would greatly benefit from more activity; I'll prepare my application in the next few days.
@"NixOlympica" & @Hokan: Hey guys! You both recommended MAE; this one is very active, but it does look interesting; I may try it out. In my opinion about last season, the end of the Gallic War crippled activity for that house. I also really like the faction's original name. In recent years, I've distanced myself from factions that bear the same name as the NPC faction they presume to represent (and it's inconvenient for me to explain this), so any groups with original names instantly captivate my personal interest.
Thread remains open! Feel free to also post if you'd like to help factions out
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson