≡ ENCRYPTION ═星雲の暗号化 ≡ SENDER ═Sara 冴咲 Tanaka ≡ RECIPIENT ═Bretonia Police Authority - BPA) ≡ LOCATION ═(NSE) New London Office ≡ SUBJECT ═Modular base
Greetings BPA) representative,
In the beginning, I would like to apologize for the high encryption measurements applied from our side. My name is Sara 冴咲 Tanaka and I represent the Nebula Shipping Express (NSE) freelancer company. We are a part of the Nebula Research & Development ™ corporation which is managed by freelancer researchers, businessmen & women. We would like to apply for a license to initiate the construction of our modular installation.
The information concerning the installation name, location, and the main installation's activity is sent to your respected office via a highly encrypted route. I also provided a digital receipt showing the transfer of 50,000,000 Sirian credits to BPA)Penny.Anders[CCD] - The document is attached to the bottom of this transmission window.