A few drinks down and feeling quite merry he looks around the room once again! He places the black case in his breast pocket whisper in the ladies ear and as she gets up so does Mick, he slaps her behind and gives her a kiss on the cheek and slides his mask to his face from atop his head puts his hat on and walks through the crowded event to an exit!
He finds his way to the Docking bay and back to His Pilgrim, he spoke to two burly looking felons guarding his ship and one opened the door for him and another followed behind him!
Mick would head towards the secure hold of his ship, about 15 minutes passed before he returned to the docking bay and a third figure was with them although he had a bag over his head and his hands tied behind his back two more burly felon looking bodyguards grabbed the captive by an arm each and walked behind Mick back to the Function deck of the Station. All eyes were on Micks masked face as they walked through the crowd and sat back to his original table to where the young lady rejoined him with some fresh drinks and the two burly bodyguards sat either side of the hooded tied captive! Mick places his hat back on the table and slides his mask atop his head sits down and takes a sip of his drink. He leans over and pats the captive on the head keeping his hood on him he goes back to his relaxing!