Communication channel opened... Encryption:Unbreakable Origin:Carrier Yorktown, Coronado ID:Admiral Miles Prower Subject:Fleet assignments
In response to the unprovoked incursion into Crayterian territory and occupation of a Republic base in the sector, Carriers Enterprise, Hornet and Yorktown alongside their escort warships are now organized under Taskforce 16, under the direct command of Fleet Admiral Cleveland. TF16 is being deployed immediately into the Tau-31 corridor and working in conjunction with Crayterian forces to re-establish the lawful order within the system. At this time Kusari elements are hostile entities but are not to be engaged first. TF16 comprises the 5th Fleet Crayterian Expeditionary Force.
Under this same directive, all New York and Colorado stationed assets are to organize under TF17 and shore up defenses at the border in preparation for the imminent possibility of open warfare with Kusari. Flagship of TF17 will be Battleship Wisconsin.