Qualifications: Large vessel shipment command. Education in mineral science (geology) and economics
Work History: 7 years working for small liberty business in New York. Spent most of my time with my head in study, however I have been told I am handy behind a Stork. I completed a 6 month work experience program working on ships coming into Baltimore and know some ships inside out.
Summary of Biography: As I noted in my history I graduated when I was 22 and have spent most of my current career with boots on the ground. I have spent most of my time working in small business in liberty and gained an interest into geology. However, I pursued a career in Business and Economics which has taken me to places like Manhattan and Baltimore Shipyard. I gained experience in working closely with ship maintenance and worked with a lot of Universal Shipping vessels. After 7 years I would like to directly apply my gained knowledge and put it towards a strong company with similar goals to mine. I took my family's shuttle and met up with a Mister Wagner who instructed me to visit the neural net.
Why do you want to join USI?: A change of scenery. I would like to start applying a bit more practicality to my knowledge. Universal Shipping is a well established company in which I would be honored to participate in.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: A clean record for myself. I do consent to viewing my criminal history in whatever Police Database there is if that is required.
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [x]Department of Trade [ ]Department of Security