Birthday and Birthplace: <November 10 , 796 AS , Planet Denver>
Biography: <Not Much is known of Khem before he joined Ageira Technologies at 16. By age 23 He left, mostly falling off the grid. Surprisingly charismatic for a man of few words, Khem was often known for his intelligence and ability to defuse hostile situations; violently, if necessary. After his disappearance in 818 A.S he was sighted leaving the unstable jumphole in Thuriniga. After spending a month on Malta, he returned to Liberty, even quieter than before.>
How fast can you repair a broken Salvager?: Depends. Do I have to run diagnostics? Depending on what's broken could turn it from an hour and a half job to a multy day job.
How good are you at selling Premium Scrap to a stranger?: As good as their money is.
What would you do if you get caught smuggling by a member of law enforcement? What about if you're stopped by a bandit while smuggling?: <Depends on situation. Either Get rid of who's in my way and any witnesses, or... appease them because the cost is negligible. >
What knowledge do you possess of the Puerto Rico systen, if any?: <Stay the fuck away from the Stellar Matter Steam>
What ships do you already own?: <Salvager, Pirate Train>
Post the ID rules of the Junker ID here: <
-Can attack any ships in self-defense, to protect another Junker ship, or in defense of a Junker base.
- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Can attack Xenos and Hogosha anywhere.
- Cannot use any Transport with more than 4,300 cargo.>
Are you allowed to pirate in Liberty as a Junker?: <Not in house space.>
Have you had any interaction with a Congress member thus far? If yes, what was his/her shop or character name: <Not That I'm aware of.>