. User ID:Jaina Wheeler Recipient:Gallic Union, Licensing and Permits Office Subject:Salvaging Assistance, Expertise, Licensing .
Good day!
I am heading the operations for Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing. While we're headquartered in the Bering system, we provide services all across Sirius. While we are having experience in space constructions, we also excell at salvaging. We've recently finished up a major cleanup of Bering's war wreckage for Liberty and Rheinland in cooperation with ALG.
It pleases me to see that conflict has ended and there is time for rebuilding now. We offer our assistance with that and would like to take part in the salvaging, sorting and recycling process within Languedoc. So we would like to request a license for Military Salvage transport and mining in addition to our visa and Xeno Relic license we already hold within Gallia.
You will see that Bristol is a cost effective addition to your already ongoing salvaging operations within the area. Additionally, we have provided the EFL with salvage and salvaging services in the past.
Organization or Affiliation: Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing Requested Commodity(s): Military Salvage (Mining) Intended Destination(s): After sorting to various legal purchasers. We suggest a sorting and smelting installation within Languedoc for the initial checkups. Reason for Request: To assist with the salvage cleanup in Languedoc