NAME: Code name: L.O.S.T
Name: N/A (With RP someone will maybe give a name)
SPECIES: Cyrborg. (Human ''made'' in a laboratory fused with Artificial Intelligence.)
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
ORIGIN: An experience hid to everyone, in a Navy base, the scientists tried to make a Human fused with Artificial Intelligence. The experience was a failure. The embryo was recovered with cables making the body hid. The cables were connected from the brain and later, in 827, near 828, the cables were bigger and it was the first time we could see the body of the girl. The hair and the eyes were a deep clear blue. When a piloting test has came, during the same year, the ship has changed physically. Because of that, someone in the Navy bullied her so hard physically that one time, the man hit the head so hard that damaged the brain and the microprocessor were damaged. She only remember her codename. She can act and speak like a child sometimes. Now, there is no cables connected to her. She looks more human, but she has no emotions due the damage at the brain. She would need to be under observation by a person patient and not hostile toward her and someone who will teach her how to be ''more human'' than an empty shell.