Name: Ruben "Renegade" Hawkins Gender: Male Age: 47 Previous Jobs:
Transport Captain and freelancer
Leader of a mercenary group Wingman Squadron who sadly split up
Made it through Navy training at the academy but never quite got the post I wanted
Passed all the basic fighter pilot training programs in simulators
Brief Biography:
I was born on Planet Manhatten and at a young age I wanted to join the Navy, so I went to Navy training and passed all my flying exams and also did combat training, but was never the best or top of the class.
I eventually went on to be a transport freelancer travelling Sirius and eventually made it to a stage where I salvaged an old Bustard and made it into a mobile command centre for a small mercenary group that I managed to muster, and we came to Liberty to help the Law Enforcement catch criminals, but sadly we all departed company after some time.
And now I find myself here filling in an application to be a Police Officer
Reasons for Joining, please state if your here to join Sunbucks Inc.:
I want to help you lot to improve the state of Liberty and protect against the ones who think they are above the law.