Name(s):Charles Simon Date of birth:28 August 710AGS Place of birth:Planet Marne, Champagne Nationality:Gaul Biography (about 100 words):Charles Simon, born on Planet Marne. Raised in an environment deeply influenced by the Council, Simon is a stranger to traditional Gallic values. More so, he embraced the liberalism and freedom Planet Marne's society offered to its fullest, and this manifested most obviously in the fornication department. His erotic parties were popular and visited en masse, and he went as far as to sell his own services to other men. Due to the more lenient nature of the Gallic Union in comparison to the Kingdom, Simon now seeks adventure in travelling across Gallia with the so highly romanticized Union Corse. Additionnal information you consider relevant:Occasional drinking too much alcohol
ooRP section
What ship/class are you most proficient in?Transport How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)?0-1 for PVP; 3-4 for RP Reasons to join (optional):To fly with people and have fun Were you sanctioned before?[1][2][3] Discord Name and Tag:Groshyr#4914 Additionnal information you consider relevant:50 Shades of Salt (occasional anger)