The Alliance has been around for a long time, and through the use of a structured chain of command, elections for the foremost post of said chain, commitment and loyalty to our cause - we've accomplished a lot of things that would have otherwise been impossible for a group like ours. In times of hardship and uncertainty, we are the beacon the rest of our fellow men look to for guidance, a path to something more than just rebellion for the sake of it. Our eventual mission is the emancipation of all other people in Liberty exactly like us, and to then carve out a place to call our own and live the way we intend.
There's always been talk of reaching after the pipedream of a Liberty Free Republic, but that's all it's even been - talk. Nobody's actually given it their best shot at trying to chase after it. But it's something I want to do. The underlying reasons for why are all self evident, even the name reflects it. To do this isn't going to be easy, I think everyone's well aware of that and if they aren't then I have to burst the bubble and say that's a deluded line of thought. But it is possible.
And if it's possible, I want to try. But I need help, because it takes all sorts to make a Nation. It'll take all of us, at our best to even come close to pulling off such a grand ambition within our lifetimes. This isn't the Liberty Navy, there's not going to be an imposing standing order that compels you into training and hard service. No, I'm just going to ask you to help me and to commit yourself to being better. Anyone ready and willing can request transfers to Fort Ramsey.
To become the image of what we want to create is going to involve hard work and discipline. Championing the rugged self reliance and stoicism of the truest incarnation of Liberty was never going to be an easy ride. And it has to be your choice, you have to be the one driving. If it wasn't up to you, then would we really be chasing the dream of an unshackled existence?
Decide, neither me or this idea will live forever.