(07-01-2021, 02:10 PM)pillow Wrote: In my ideal world faction visuals would be locked to faction tech, with some open use generic stuff available for more options. I can understand people wanting to use other faction engines because there just isn't enough variety there, and gameplay isn't affected. Can't say the same about guns. If we had a sufficiently varied pool of engines (and thrusters?) for factions that don't have any and also a bunch of generics for more visual and color variety I would one hundred percent support making engines (and thrusters?) faction specific. Bonus points if we remove the random ass techshare that polluted the game over the years due to friends talking on Skype and Discord about sharing their stuff. I still lose sleep over stuff like Blood Dragon Katanas using Kalashnikovs. Wtf.
Not the best example - there are rumors that would make Coalition and BD close in ideology - wasn't exactly crazy